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Leni’s engaging style has been honed to tease out your vision.


July 2020 – A global, virtual marathon of lectures: Illuminating Engineering Society: Light for Life. “The Collaborative Night: Where light and cities meet” on behalf of Lighting Urban Communities International (LUCI).

November 2019 – Sydney and Hunter Region, Australia “Get the Night Right”: Placemaking masterclasses with Ethan Kent of PlacemakingX. Listen to Nighttime Economy Radio Interview with ABC Australia and here, on camera Get the Night Right with Urban Lighting

October 2019 – London, UK SALUS Healthy City Design 2019 –Video and presentation download here: International Nighttime Design Impact on Public Health

June 27, 2019 – New York, NY, Project for Public Spaces Placemaking Series: Luminous Legibility – Lighting and Nighttime Design Urbanism: A Primer for City Design Advocates. A discussion about the trends and innovative methodologies that are rocking the world of public lighting design. Lighting of our streets and sidewalks and public spaces is essential for a thriving 24/7 world.

Burlington 2019 - A New Language Of Lighting | Leni Schwendinger

Burlington 2019 - A New Language Of Lighting | Leni Schwendinger

Signify Design and Lighting Academy hosted the 2nd edition of the Burlington Sessions, a CoCreate aimed at bringing together lighting artists & designers that inspire us, push the limits and create a new language of lighting. This is a small group, by invitation only, of international recognized disruptors leading the way into the future of lighting. These sessions are very hands-on, Signify shared some of the solutions we are developing in a very early stage, our guests were able to experiment and explore, and share their ideas on what/ how would these concepts work for them and their customers. Leni Schwendinger is an award-winning authority on city lighting & creator of illuminated environments. This work is shared through her public speaking & envisioning engagements, including NightSeeing™. She directs International Nighttime Design Initiative, establishing an interdisciplinary profession. Leni is a Visiting Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and a Design Trust for Public Space Fellow (NYC) Contact us: Find more about Signify Lighting Academy: Follow us on Social media: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: Youtube: #Signify #LightingAcademy #BurS2 #BurlingtonSessions #Lighting #SignifyDesign #LightingDesign #LightingArtists #PioneersofLight
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